hi friends, Vishal and Shriya Saran starring Thoranai is all set to release next Friday as revealed by the crew recently. The production part is over and only post-production and some visual effects are being added. Vishal feels that he is tried playing an entertainer in this movie as he feels that thoranai does not belong to any genre of movies and it is a good entertainer with mix of all forms of entertainment like music, dance, comedy, action and romance. The film is a bilingual directed by Sabha Ayyappan and will be released as Pista in telugu. While he has done a lot of action movies like Thimuru, Thirunelveli in which he comes as a hero with lot of action in this movie he has also involved in comedy tracks along with Santhanam. The film is getting released in summer and so he wanted it to be an enjoyable movie for the whole family. He feels that he is not that good in romance and dance sequence but he has always outperformed in action and stunt sequences. Due to a lot of exercises his face looks dull and the actor says that he will work it out. He himself admitted that he has lost the glow in his face and his mother also pointed him about it. Someday a producer has said that his face was not at all suitable for an actor. But the same producer has to come dates from him for his movie and this has made vishal very happy and he is in a good state now. Vishal and shriya saran combination has worked out so well and the couple have shared a good chemistry between then. They will share the same magic in the forthcoming movie “Theeradha Vilayattu Pillai” in which vishal plays a naughty playboy role.
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